Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Game Development as a Way of New Learning for Lil Ones

In the era of fast learning and development, where everything and everyone is switching to digital media, where schools are adapting and focusing on digital learning in our country more by replacing books and other forms of learning for the young ones.

These days we are surrounded with so many digital devices all around and so are our children. Parents are worried about how their kids would be playing and learning at the same time on their devices. These days many people have been adapting the digital way of learning for their kids in the form of digital games, as it a quick and easy way to learn, moreover it is fun and creative approach. Most of the children these days are growing up with hi-tech mobile devices, tablets and gadgets. Where they play all day long and it has become a part of their lives.

As most of the devices runs on the Android OS which has drastically grown in the market within the entire gamut of the IT, after IOS it is the most trusted and most likeable platform which people use these days on a day to day basis and huge number of kids have an access to that. This led to the escalation of success rate of educational game development on android.

As trending it’s no surprise that there is huge requirement and potential for companies to develop educational apps for the kids to access more and learn via playing. There are companies who are developing android based educational with cute characters and with a storyline. Not only kids are in love with these kinds of games but they also learn a lot while playing with their favorite characters. It does sound like a blithering obvious statement that children do tell stories.

At the end, there is no denial that kids should read books, playing games outside in the park, riding bicycle and a lot more away from the screen but a little fun on the devices doesn’t do any harm and opens great avenues for exploration.

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Everything About SCROM Software

Defining SCORM

SCORM stands for “Sharable Content Object Reference Model”. SCROM compliant software is a set of technical predefined standards for e-learning. SCROM lets programmer state codes as to blend it with other e-learning programs. In other words it is a general facto industry criterion for better interoperability. The software also dominates online learning content and is not concerned about instructional design or has any pedagogical aspect as it is entirely technical.
Understanding the concept

We can understand the concept of compliant software through a small example of DVDs. Buying a new DVD does not need a testing over different DVD player. It will work equally on Panasonic and same as on Samsung player. The reason behind this is generalized standards set for movies. In the absence of such standardization, there would have been a big problem because per DVD there would be different DVD player. Prior to SCROM online learning had a similar picture. With standardization by SCROM, the situation changed altogether.
The cost of content integration has greatly reduced with such generalization. The sharable content is indicative of the fact that the software is about creating units of content available online. Most of the elearning solution providers, be it corporate learning solutions or for schools, SCORMs help create sharable content objects, SCOs that can be easily tweaked to be used in different contexts.
Who produce SCORM?
Sharable Content Object Reference Model is developed ADl, sponsored by United States Department of DoD.  As per the current trend, any independent company specializing in assisting other beneficiaries becomes SCORM conformant itself.

The future road

The road ahead is bright with lucrative prospects in development of the technology; the next generation is called Tin Can API. Tin Can API is a huge leap forwarding the e-learning community imparting and furthering SCROM knowledge.